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Love is never enough in a relationship – Lady advises

GV Theh Yvonne Afare made her submission on the Girl Vibes show

Mon, 8 Mar 2021 Source: etvghana.com

Yvonne Afare, an entrepreneur and freelance marketer, has asserted that people should not get into relationships if their families do not accept each other due to tribal differences because relationships do not thrive only on love.

She urged people to keep from going to places where they are not welcome. “Love is never enough when it comes to a relationship because it consists of two social backgrounds, so once you become self-centered and your feelings are at play, you end up getting hurt”, she said.

This assertion was made in an interview with eTV Ghana’s host, Mercy Bee the Ekumfi Princess on the Girl Vibes show in a discussion on the topic ‘Should tribal differences affect relationships’.

Yvonne shared that she has witnessed an instance where two people who were in love got married, however, they had to divorce at some point due to family issues and apparently, the love was not enough to hold them together.

“If you realize that both parents are not willing to co-exist with you, it would be better to end it. It will be very difficult for you to end but like I always say, love is not enough and will never be enough. You will get irritated, you will get fed up and a whole lot so once you’re not ready for the aftermath, you should ease yourself of it as soon as you start seeing the red flags”, the entrepreneur further advised.

Source: etvghana.com