Mac Tontoh Died A Bachelor

Tue, 24 Aug 2010 Source: Daily Guide

Reports Reaching Beatwaves indicate that the trumpet maestro Mac Tontoh who suffered a stroke earlier this year and although appeared to be recovering, died on Monday night as a bachelor.

Beatwaves gathered that Mac Tontoh separated from his wife of 16 years ago and to avoid harassments and intimidations, lived a bachelor life after his divorce six years ago.

Before his death, Mac Tontoh, who returned home in 1992 in search of new inspiration, and based on experience from his previous marriage, decided to remain single. According to a family source, when Mac was alive, he did his own cooking and sometimes washed his own clothes.

Before his untimely death, Mac Tontoh went through four operations in London before he returned to Ghana two months ago. He was later admitted at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra due to health complications, but died whilst receiving medical treatment.

In a chat with Beatwaves, Joe Tontoh, Mac’s younger brother, said his funeral arrangements would be made public after his one week celebration which will be held at his residence (Osibisa Close) at Dworwulu in Accra.

Source: Daily Guide