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Majid Threatens Mediamen

Thu, 11 Mar 2010 Source: --

Gossips are sweet to hear and juicy to the ears of those who are especially interested in the information being spread, may be the spotlight this week was not directed at this gentleman who has graced our silver screens with enough respect and followers...

...as a movie star with a great stature but the write up was motivated by a developing behavioral attitude on the part of majid Michell, a father of two.

Lately majid has shown his dislike and hatred to the Ghanaian media to a height that some of us who even take things cool are even feeling that an abrupt halt should be put to his behavior, well we cannot say we made majid in the height he has achieved but if he can also deny the medias contribution to his rise to stardom then so be it

Untoward behavior to the people who write about movies in this country , this writer brings to you a few that has come to his notice for discerning readers to also join in making things right in our small entertainment industry read on fellas

Somewhere last year, a daily guide report quoted majid as saying “I HATE JOURNALIST” for crying out loud what has Ghanaian journalist done to majid to encounter his wrath like this, the report continued that he majid even tried sacking this reporter from a movie set even though he didn’t invite him there is this the way to play the popular and fame game?

On another occasion, Majid was reported to have had an encounter with reporters from ghanaianmovie.com and flex newspaper the reporters added that majid has even wanted to crash their camera on the ground here, I partly blame the reporters for that mishap because I did not expect them to continue playing the camera game with him when he had earlier said he didn’t like that game even with that does it call for a collection and crashing of camera?

Thinking that was going to end that bad blood between majid and the media, he spotted a ghanaianmovie.com reporter again at actress Juliet Ibrahims birthday party and the scene was not different Majid called this reporter to avoid any picture of his in any medium since he was the only media person he knew there, as if to scare him the more, he told the reporter to be wary of him since he has succeeded in killing two people and also he has dealt with cocaine before, what does it mean?

Another reporter from myjoyonline also recounted his encounter with majid sometime ago, describing it as nasty and not called for from a respected artist like majid, just last Saturday at Africa movie academy awards (AMAA) party which was held at the plush mensvic hotel somewhere East legon , a peacefmonline photographer confided in a reporter from flex news paper about a statement from majid according to him majid asked him not to give any of his pictures to any media house

Enough of all these examples and scenarios one question which begging answers is what Majid hopes to achieve from all these issues, we were even collaborative when majid once said he will take money from media houses before granting them interviews after all, that is his pride so if we also get the money then we can appoint him for interviews.

From my candid opinion as an art writer and a member of art writers Association of Ghana(AWAG) I want to state here that as much as we are doing everything in our capacity to project the arts industry in Ghana , no threats will put fears in us, what we look out for is respect for people we write about and to stick strictly to media ethics and practice , it is in the wake of this that why we try to come to agreement with anybody who thinks we did something without considering his feelings by writing rejoinders and correcting the anomaly.

Please somebody should humbly tell majid that we are tired of his threats. Without him we can be and he can also be without us but the little information for him is to avoid doing movies if he wants to avoid the media

Source: --