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Mayor calls for bilateral musical and cultural relations

Thu, 15 Apr 2004 Source: GNA

Kumasi, April 15, GNA- Mr Simon Compaore, Mayor of Ougadougou in Burkina Faso, has called for the deepening of closer bilateral musical and cultural ties between his country and Ghana.

He said Ougadougou would be proud to share musical and cultural practices with their counterparts in Kumasi who, he noted, were doing well in music.

He was addressing the staff of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) after he had paid a courtesy call on Mr Maxwell Kofi Jumah, the Metropolitan Chief Executive in Kumasi on Wednesday. Mr Compaore said he was in the region to purchase some musical instruments and materials to form an orchestra and a brass band in preparation for an international music festival to be held in Ougadougou in November this year.

He said there was the need for him and the Metropolitan Chief Executive to bring the two cities together.

He said his doors are open to all Ghanaians who are prepared to give him a helping hand in preparation for the festival and also Ghanaians who wanted to visit Ougadougou because the two countries share common destiny and aspirations.

Mr Jumah thanked the Mayor for the warm and hearty reception for him and his delegation when they visited Ougadougou some few months back.

He hoped the relationship established between the two cities would not only grow from strength to strength but also help the two countries to realise their dreams.

Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rahman III, chief of Moshie community in Kumasi, expressed his appreciation about the wonderful relationship that had developed between the two Mayors and their cities.

"In fact we Burkinabes living in Kumasi welcome such relationship and we hope it is going to be everlasting and we pray to God to guide and lead this relationship to be a success", Alhaji Rahman said.

Source: GNA