Miss Malaika girls cook for charity, Rita gets the boot!

Sat, 8 Oct 2011 Source: Ameyaw Debrah

The second eviction show of the ongoing Miss Malaika reality TV series saw Rita getting the boot. The task for the week was a cooking contest and a donation to the New Horizon School.

Against set criteria the God Mothers who also possess the power to save any contestant with their discretion were to judge the contestants on the cooking episode. Alex was exempt from eviction for raising the highest amount for the donation to the New Horizon School.

Felicia, Emma, Magdalene and Mikafui who formed one of the three groups for the cooking competition were also saved from eviction for emerging as the best cooking group according to the God Mothers as they paid particular attention to the presentation of the contestants. They also looked out for dishes with the appropriate nutrients considering the challenges the students had.

At the end of it all, three contestants Geneivee, Nana Konadu and Rita were up for eviction on the night. Unfortunately for RITA, she had to bow out of the competition as she was the bottom placed amongst the three. To keep your favorite in the competition, vote by texting their names to the short code 1757 (all networks) and make a date to catch the episode Sundays on GTV at 9.30PM, GhOne Entertainment TV at 8.30PM, e.TV at 10PM and Homebase TV at 5.30PM.

Source: Ameyaw Debrah