Murtala Mohammed; From Politics To Entertainment With Love

Thu, 15 Mar 2012 Source: --

The National Youth Organiser of the Convention People’s Party Mr. Murtala Mohammed has switch from Politics to entertainment, specifically theatre. The embattled and interdicted Youth Organiser of the CPP has written a wonderful and controversial play entitled “NKRUMAH IN LOVE”. What is not very clear is whether the play is to ridicule Hon. Samia or his party. It is not also clear if he is leaving politics forever into the arts or generates controversy around him. The play will be staged on March 6th at the Coconut Grove Regency Hotel, Accra @ the poolside.


Nkrumah in Love is a satirical comedy dealing with the serious life and works of Nkrumah in a light-hearted manner. It exposes the humorous / comic aspect of Nkrumah as he interacts with Kith and kin as well as allies and foes. The action centres on the arrival of Nkrumah at Polo grounds to declare freedom for Ghana, flowing with his verbose political speeches and leaves his ever-present crowd cheering, Albeit, their total perplexity and incomprehension makes him often switch to fanti establishing him as a good tutor and orator.

The play interactively invites its audience on stage at the departure of Lord Listowell where the ambience is characterised by the obvious soothing classical music of the suite-wearing elite. However, Nkrumah contrasts this atmosphere with his “akwajan” or “ntamfara” costume and goes ahead to change the dull ball room with an electrifying Kpanlogo music when he takes to the stage to dance with “Her Royal Highness”. This situation is not save by the struggling fufu-eating-elite with cutlery, drumming home the point of negative attitudes of a society towards her own socio-cultural and even political values, which rather sees the values of the colonial master” as superiors and preferable.

The women wings of the CPP and O.A.U summit bring their own comedies. These scenes will carry in them most important speeches of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in one or two receptacle for delivery. The hierarchy of the CPP also displayed their ignorance and hypocritical nature towards Nkrumah and what he stands for.

The play comes to a climax when Nkrumah’s coquetry and romantic feelings has to be interpreted by a hired interpreter. It will also depict the relationship between Nkrumah and the youth of Ghana as well as their parents with special references to the rumour pertaining to the young pioneer. The play parades on stage a cast of characters of varied economic and social status; indeed they represent the entire society, high and low.

Succinctly, the play tells the story of the inability of Ghanaians and the African people to comprehend Nkrumah’s stand on African unity and panafricanism. It also makes fun out of GRADUAL way the UGCC and other African leaders view it. Whether Nkrumah is in Love or not, figure it out!





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