Renowned Ghanaian actress and fashion icon, Nana Akua Addo recently captured the attention of the fashion world with a stunning gown she donned at the 10th Africa Magic Viewer's Choice Awards (AMVCAs) in May 2024.
In a conversation on TV3, Nana Akua Addo shared that the exquisite piece, which now resides in her closet, cost a hefty price of GH¢11,000.
"I did buy it, it's in my closet. $11,000," she said.
The actress explained that the gown, a masterpiece by Indian designer Gaurav Gupta, has had its price escalate since her purchase, thanks to the designer's skyrocketing fame after dressing other celebrities like Cardi B.
“And now it's even more expensive. It was the same designer from then. He's become big,” she added.
Nana Akua’s gown, which featured an intricate 3D design and was complemented by a striking Heidilee Endless Echo hat and a radiant shell-shaped clutch, was the talk of the town at the AMVCAs.
The actress took a hands-on approach to the gown's design, requesting additional birds to be added to the already existing line and a cage concept beneath the fabric, transforming it from a simple piece into a work of art.
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