'My Boyfriend used my skin to perfect his tattooing skills' - Jasmine Baroudi

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Sat, 13 Jun 2015 Source: yfm

She might not be popular among the A-list actresses in Ghana but Jasmine Baroudi is one actress who is determined to make it to the top.

She revealed how she got her first tattoo from her then boyfriend and her decision to put an end to it on the "The Late Night Celebrity Show" with Giovanni Caleb.

She said "I have some tattoos and they are 4 in total; I can tell you how I got this tattoos. I was dating this guy back in the University and he had just started doing tattoos so basically as "stupid" as this sounds; I was his "guinea pig" so I opted to do it and that was how I got my first tattoos."

Commenting on why she stopped tattooing, she stated "I got them and in a few years later I didn't like them so after a few months I had to do a cover-up, so I did another tattoo to cover the first one but it's a bit painful. I love it anyway but my mom wouldn't allow me and I think it's enough so I'm done for it now."

Source: yfm