Mzbel is a boyfriend snatcher - Lady claims as she lists Afia Schwar, Mimi, other victims

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Sun, 4 Aug 2019 Source:

Singer Mzbel has been accused of boyfriend snatching in a new video sighted has sighted on social media.

In the video, Mzbel's accuser who identified herself as Naana Brown stated that the was a liar who has snatched some boyfriends of popular people in the entertainment industry, some of whom are her own friends.

According to Naana Brown, the 16 years hitmaker had snatched boyfriends from other popular people including Mimi Andani Michaels who is the CEO of Golden Movie Awards, Afia Schwarzenegger, and a Kumawood actress called Tina Green.

Giving further details, Mzbel's accuser disclosed that Mimi she participated in the Big Brother Africa reality show sometime in 2008 met a very rich producer who had intentions of helping her build her music career.

Mzbel, Naana explained, was then good friends with Mimi and she forced her way to befriend the producer and started a relationship with him.

After getting to the man, Mzbel badmouthed Mimi to the producer and brought an end to the support Mimi was getting from the rich producer.

Nana Brown also alleged that Mzbel did the same thing to Kumawood actress Tina Green and controversial media personality Afia Schwarzenegger by having sexual relations with their boyfriends.
