M.anifest continues to shine light on Ghana


Sun, 23 Nov 2014 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Rap academician M.anifest real name Kwame Ametepe Tsikata has granted an interview to global broadcaster CCTV noting that it is because of the amendable nature of the hip hop genre that made him to adopt it as his style.

The award winning rapper and songwriter who has worked with the likes of Tony Allen and Erykah Badu indicated that having observed the unique attribute of hip hop he then infused African themes and values to bring the music home yet accessible to global citizens.

Grandson of ethnomusicologist J.H. Kwabena Nketia and son of celebrated lawyer Tsatsu Tsikata, M.anifest explained: “a big part of my inspiration is needing progress personally and the environment around me and a big part of progress is to antagonise… antagonise a few for the greater majority”.

Jayso, CEO of Skillions records had this to say about the man who won Best Rapper of the Year and Hip-Hop Song of the Year awards at the 2013 Ghana Music Awards: “he is different, his sound is different, he brings a nice blend of local or traditional feel to his music yet retains the urban or pop influence such that he stands out”.

Clearly the Macalester College graduate with BA in Economics knows no slowing down evidenced by his ‘No Shortcut to Heaven’ song and video featuring rap royalty Obrafuor.

M.anifest burst onto the mainstream music scene with his first solo album, Manifestations, in 2007 and has since gained critical acclaim in Ghana, on the continent and globe.

Enjoy the interview!

Source: www.ghanaweb.com