Naki Akrobettoe set to release her EP, ‘A TIMELESS MIRACLE’


Fri, 13 Jun 2014 Source: George Britton

What started out as a simple goal to complete an EP, quickly evolved into something far greater than Naki Akrobettoe could ever imagine.

During her most creative hour (3 am), she sat in meditation and prayer reflecting on all the small entities that aided in her growth and present state as a performing artist.

Music + Poetry both serving as a catalyst for Naki to express her inner most deep feelings served as a staple in making this project a beautiful blend of both.

As her life has unfolded, the stars aligned connecting this poetess to the right people who would ultimately make this project a masterpiece. She joined forces with her dear friends and master musicians Cedric Easton, Brandon Chapman, Christopher Brown, Danny Aguiar and Carlton Pope.

In addition to an array of talented musicians, she was gifted to accompany her, the background vocals of the musical sensation, Mrs. Reene Dion. You will also find a poetic duet collaboration by herself and Cynthia Amoah, another up and coming poet by way of Columbus, Ohio.

This collaboration is a powerful reflection/manifesto by two Ghanaian poets giving their own personal accounts on what it means to be a woman. At the heart of it all, this album, “A Timeless Miracle” is a true embodiment of its name. Poetry in its own right is timeless, and will forever keep giving through language and lyrics.

Each day that we as artist, or people in general, wake up to do something that we love- that is a miracle! This whole creation was in essence Naki’s way of leaving her own legacy to her 3 beautiful children, as a message of hope that anything they aspire to accomplish in life can be achieved and it all starts with themselves, their visions and dreams, and a plan.

Her hopes through this project are to spread a dose of love through her creativity, and also allow people an up close and personal account of her unique creative process.

The first single “A Letter to My Children” is set to release in July followed by the album release in November.

You can follow all the upcoming shows and events on and support the project with donations at here:

Naki's Indiegogo: A Timeless Miracle

Source: George Britton