None of my songs are connected to experiences with artistes - Ogidi Brown

Ogidi Brown ?fit=442%2C394&ssl=1 OGB Music boss, Ogidi Brown

Fri, 15 Jan 2021 Source:

Ghanaian musician and Chief Executive Officer of OGB Music, Ogidi Brown, has disclosed that he gets inspiration for his music from his personal life experiences and not from experiences with artistes that he once signed.

Talking to Foster Romanus in a live interview on the Late Nite Celebrity Show on eTV Ghana, he noted that his condition or situation at the time of writing a song or even from times past influence the storyline of his songs.

“Recently, I had an issue with someone so while we were still in the process of solving the issue, I was on my way home one day listening to a song by Yaw Sarpong titled ‘Judas’. As I listened to the lyrics, it just came to mind to take some parts of the song and add the story of my issue with the person to it and with that, I made another song. That’s just how my gift is”, he said.

According to Ogidi Brown, his songs are usually to inspire or motivate people and that is why he takes inspiration from situations that he has personally gone through. “If you go to YouTube, you’ll see people’s comments under some of my videos saying they can relate and that is my motive”, he added.

Speaking on whether or not he will sign any artiste sometime in the future since there is no artiste under his label currently, he mentioned that he cannot tell for sure, however, with the love he has for music, it hurts him to see talented artistes struggling to make it in the industry.

By this, he implied that if he does come across any young artiste who is good enough and needs the push, he just might sign him or her onto OGB Music so that with his influence and push, their talents can also be seen.

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