Obinim's Church sings Bisa KDei's 'Metanfo’


Tue, 24 Jun 2014 Source:

Any time the issue of what gospel music is comes to the fore, there are divergent opinions and that stokes unending controversies. Some time ago, I wrote that I would sing Bisa K Dei's Metanfo and Baaba in church and people thought that I was just starting an unnecessary debate. Of course, I did and I was not scorned nor intimidated by anyone in the church.

Last week, just as I was zapping through my TV channels, I came across a channel called OBTV which I believe belongs to Bishop Daniel Obinim of the International God's Way Ministry. As usual, I got my dial stuck to watch his service, which I always consider a sub-discipline of entertainment on TV. So, just as I was watching Obinim's entertainment show, I heard his professional musicians sing Bisa K Dei's song 'Metanfo' after the Bishop had purportedly healed a certain woman of her illness.

On any day, the real Ghanaian Christian would shudder to sing this song in church just because they think the person who sang it dresses in a certain way or does songs that are generally unchristian. It still engenders the old debate of what gospel music really is, and whether or not the personality of who sang a song could be a factor of describing his genre of music.

It is one of the reasons why I was shocked when none of Bisa K Dei's gospel songs were nominated in the Ghana Gospel Industry Awards. We are growing as a people so we must learn to embrace reality and stop being overly hypocritical.
