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Our chocolate, our love

Cocoa Seedling.png A file photo of cocoa seedlings and chocolate

Mon, 8 Feb 2021 Source: Evelyn Adaku Foli, Contributor

Charles M. Schulz ones said “all you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt”. See how loved and at peace you feel when given chocolate, the love and feeling chocolate comes with is like that of an enthusiasm or an edge to have and enjoy something. Your love for chocolate turns on the sparkles in your eyes, the unending light in your eyes until you have really enjoyed your love of the moment (chocolate). Chocolate is our poetry of sense on this valentine’s day, we will make that sparkle in our eyes come back again, a sparkle that is painless and comes with unending joy.

For the love of chocolate, we will take you back a bit to our wellspring, with a bite of our love or with a drink of our love, did you know it was out of love Tetteh Quarshie in the 1890s returned to Ghana from Fernando po with coco beans? It was with this same love for cocoa that gave our farmers the endurance to continue growing cocoa in Ghana. Diving quickly in our modern-day Ghana, have you wondered why cocoa is an essential product? Talk of all our beverages, pomade, chocolate spread etc. is all cocoa extract, this is because cocoa is our first love, our first sparkle in the eyes?

Have you enjoyed any product without the taste or smell of chocolate? Wondering why all Ghanaians have a nice skin and hair, it’s because their love for cocoa is behind that nice skin and hair. At the mention of cocoa Ghanaians run and hail for its extracts be it cream, chocolate or beverage. This shows that, there is love at the mention of cocoa because its takes back to history on how Ghana got cocoa and its origin. Our chocolate, our love is the reason why Ghana is one of the best leading countries in cocoa.

It is suffice to say that, our love (chocolate) is pivotal to our growth. Hence, has some benefits, which are: high in nutrients, high in antioxidant, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, antidiabetic, promotes weight loss and also healthy heart. Taking more chocolate as a lady is good for your skin. Research has it that, dark chocolate may actually help protect your skin from UV light by improving blood flow to the skin and increasing skin density and hydration and also good for mothers and babies.

Let’s make a date, in our love month with less pain and enthusiasm on 14th February, 2021 to Ghana tourism authority and have a great taste of our love(chocolate) in grand style. Don’t forget love says wear your nose mask, and come connect with our origin. Not forgetting our chocolate, our love on that special occasion will spread you more will with chocolates, cocoa drinks and other cocoa products to keep you on the go.

This program is held under the harbinger of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture. The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is in collaboration with Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) and the Cocoa Processing Company (CPC) to ensure the success of the National Chocolate week, under the theme, “EAT CHOCOLATE, STAY HEALTHY, GROW GHANA.” George Herbert ones said, “love and a cough can’t be hidden.” Cocoa is that cough and because of our love for cocoa, chocolate can’t be hidden. Our chocolate, our love.

Source: Evelyn Adaku Foli, Contributor