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Piesie Esther shares inspiring journey of perseverance in 20-year career

99129355 Renowned gospel musician, Piesie Esther

Fri, 19 May 2023 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Renowned gospel musician, Piesie Esther opened up about her struggles and unwavering determination throughout her impressive 20-year career.

In a candid interview on 3Music, she revealed that despite the numerous challenges she encountered, the thought of giving up never crossed her mind.

Reflecting on her journey, Piesie Esther expressed that even during the years when it seemed like she was not making progress, she remained resolute in her pursuit of success.

"When I was performing at shows and throughout those 20 years, despite the perception that I wasn't achieving much, I never once considered giving up," she stated firmly.

Piesie Esther also stressed that her motivation for making music was never driven by a desire for fame or recognition but rather to be a blessing to others.

"The work I am doing is not for the approval of people; I am simply sowing the seeds, knowing that my songs have touched the lives of many," she explained.

Furthermore, she described her music as a powerful form of evangelism, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to her craft.

Piesie Esther made it clear that she is a person who never gives up and maintains a laser focus once she sets her mind on achieving something.

"Through music, I am carrying out evangelism. I am determined and steadfast. I refuse to be deterred," she emphasized.

In spite of the various obstacles she encountered along the way, Piesie Esther remained steadfast in her purpose, stating, "I am fully aware of what I want and what I am striving for. Nothing will hinder me from reaching my destination," she affirmed.

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Source: www.ghanaweb.com