Pregnant women begin auditioning for first ever beauty pageant

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb, 28, GNA - Pregnant women begin auditioning for the first-ever pageant for pregnant mothers in Africa dubbed: "PUSH" Pageant being organized by Ticklz N' Gigglz events and consulting, a local company.

June 5th this year has been slated for the event, which will select 10 pregnant women, who will go through an extreme makeover, series of fun, educational and interactive activities.

The number will be scaled down to five for the pregnant women to compete for the position of Miss 93PUSH" 2011. Exciting prizes will be won.

A statement signed by Ms Esi Yankah, Chief Executive

Officer of Ticklz N' Gigglz on Monday and copied to the

Ghana News Agency, said the event would celebrate the

beauty of pregnancy, the joy of motherhood and the art of

parenting. "It seeks to bring to pregnant women the awareness that

pregnancy does not put a limitation on how well they should

groom themselves, take care of their bodies and still keep

themselves attractive to their husbands" she explained. Ms Yankah noted that pregnant women go through the

uncomfortable motions of hormones boiling up, fevers and

chills. She said importance would be placed on critical areas in the

"PUSH" pageant, including health, nutrition, creativity, talent,

knowledge about pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy. Ms Yankah said it was important for the little unborn baby

to feel comfortable in the mothers bump since many women

did not make the time to educate themselves about pregnancy

and pregnancy related issues before or during pregnancy. Participants must be between the ages of 22 and 35 years

old, about to or be in their 4th month of pregnancy, must have

the consent of their partners and be willing to participate in all

fun, educational and interactive activities. Interested applicants can visit

Application for the deadline is on March 15, 2011. Ticklz N' Gigglz on February 22, 2011 launched event

dubbed: 93BabyFEST" Ghana 2011 which talks about the

beauty of motherhood and the art of parenting. BabyFEST aims to help to achieve the Millennium

Development Goals on reducing child mortality, improving

maternal health, promoting gender equality and empowering

women. It comes with a combination of signature events

consisting of the pageant (The 93PUSH" pageant), a summit

(Baby SUMMIT) and a fair (BabyFAIR). BabyFair, Ms Yankah said would pay careful attention to

babies with keen interest in their development. "=85this will be the most sought after baby to toddler event

ever to be celebrated annually in Ghana. Baby Summit will comprise of conferences and seminars

that would empower prospective parents and new parents with

all they need to know about relevant pregnancy related issues. The festival is being supported by the Ministry of Health

and the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, SickleAID

Ghana and Saving Mama campaign.

Source: GNA