Prison made me a better person – Kwaw Kesse

Kwaw Kese Mine Kwaw Kese

Wed, 17 Feb 2016 Source:

Popular hiplife and rap artiste Kwaw Kesse, aka Abodam, has said his recent incarceration in a Kumasi prison for a day has made him a better person at heart and reignited his passion for charity.

The award-winning musician said this was what inspired him to raise funds to provide food and drinks for some 4,000 inmates of the Nsawam Central Prison on Vals Day.

“My stay in prison inspired me to be charitable towards prison inmates. I realised they need love, encouragement and show of concern from society. When I came out in February last year, I organised one charity event for inmates of the Kumasi Central Prison and donated a list of items. We followed up with another charity donation event at the Kumasi Teaching Hospital (sic).

“This time, we decided to visit inmates of the Nsawam Central Prisons in fulfilment of a promise the Kwaw Kesse Foundation made about a month ago that we would go and feed all the 4,000 inmates at that particular prison. That was the exact promise we fulfilled on Vals Day, February 14, when we fed the 4,000 inmates with food and drinks, entertained them with music performances and even played soccer with them,” Kwaw told NEWS-ONE.

Apart from charity donations, the Kwaw Kesse Foundation is on a mission to set up fifteen different industries including a book printing factory, a soap making factory, beads making factory, a chalk making factory, cane weaving, and block moulding factory, among others, for inmates of the various prisons across the country.

He spoke to NEWS-ONE on the recent Valentine’s Day visit and donation to the Nsawam Prison.

Why February 14?

February is the month of love and we decided to show that love. Apart from the food, we had a soccer match between the Kwaw Kesse 11 and the Prison 11. It was fun and even the referees and match officials were prison inmates but my side, Kwaw Kesse 11, won by two goals. They, Prison 11, did not even score one. I was playing number 10. It was real fun. I am a good player. Then we did music performances. Pope Skinny and Afia were there to support the show. There were also performances from the prison inmates.

How did you raise money to feed 4,000 people?

The truth is, there were even more than 4,000 plates available for everyone. The Kwaw Kesse Foundation did not do it alone. We had support from several people and we very much appreciate that help which came by way of food stuffs, cash, items, logistics , professional expertise, human resource and permit me to make special mention and show special appreciation to Nana Obokom Atta, the Chief of Gomoa Dasum, Man Capital, an independent consumerist institution which provides comprehensive financial solutions and consultancy services, Franco Phones, Francopath, Special Ice, FC Beauty, Sandra Ankobiah, Escort Security, Mtech Ghana, Kenpong Travel and Tours, Mama Vits Noodles, Kinpin Drinks, Joy Industries and all the media houses especially the Despite Group of Companies and EIB.

How did you get the support of all these people and companies?

I think they believe in the vision and mission of the Kwaw Kesse Foundation and they also looked at my works over the years. I am very grateful to them. We did a proposal and sent to them… and fortunately, they did not disappoint us. I am a very charitable person who believes in giving back to society and the people who came on board also have good hearts.

How was the atmosphere?

It was amazing and some of the people who went with me shed tears. Some of them have never seen such a huge number of prisoners. Some of the inmates have been there for a very long time with no one to put a smile on their faces and I was very happy that I, with the support of the Kwaw Kesse Foundation, and all the donors were able to achieve that for them. The inmates were happy to see us, eat with us, watch us perform and play with us. They were very happy and they did not hide their feelings. It was the greatest feeling some of them have ever had and I am proud I helped put smiles on their faces.

What are the prospects for 2016?

Well, we have kept our promise to feed 4,000 inmates and our wish for this year would be to continue to bless people in need. It is my wish and prayer that we would get persons and companies to join and support us in our next big project. When God blesses you, you also have to help someone in need and this is what I am calling for and what I want people to know. There is more love in giving than receiving so we should try to give more.

Any final message?

2016 would be a great year for us all and we have to have that mentality and hope and use that positive attitude to forge ahead for grater things. As far as my music is concerned, we would release the long awaited ‘Forever’ album and people should watch out for it.
