RTP Award winners face Dubai visa problem

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Sat, 26 Mar 2016 Source: zionfelix.com

The ultimate winners of the Radio & Television Personality awards last year, who were promised a week trip to Dubai, have not had the package but according to PRO Arnold Asamoah Baidoo, he said they never gave any timeline.

Speaking to Christain Agyei Frimpong host of Anigye Mre on Onua 95.1, Arnold said they are working on the clock to ensure that the three top winners visit Dubai as promised, “Its travelling arrangement, if you have travelled before you will understand me in terms of visa acquisition and as I speak to you now a lot is going in to ensure they go”.

Arnold further explained that, if the Organizers of RTP starts another process for RTP 2016 and the ultimate winners have not traveled to Dubai, then people can have the liberty to criticize them.

The three (3) top most winners include, Bola Ray of starr fm, Kwame Adinkra (Atinka fm) and Patrice Amegashie host of This Morning on Viasat 1.

Speaking to Patrice Amegashie host of This Morning on Viasat 1 on the program he said “I heard from the organizers a month ago, they told me there are issues with arrangements and the travel and tours comp

Source: zionfelix.com