Rapist Tongue Bitten

Fri, 30 Jan 2009 Source: From Morgan Owusu; Obuasi

A 38-YEAR-OLD resident of Gauwuso, a suburb of Obuasi, who took undue advantage of the obedience of a 13-year-old girl to rape her in his room, has lost his tongue.

At about 7.00pm on Saturday January 24, Kwame Kyere, who is married with four children, sent the 13-year-old Junior High School (JHS) pupil on an errand but took advantage of the situation to rape the poor girl when she returned.

In the course of the diabolical act, Kwame Kyere who had lured the innocent girl into his room under the pretext of giving her medicine for studies was said to have demanded a kiss from the JHS pupil.

Reports indicated that immediately the father of four pulled his tongue out to enjoy some kisses, the teenager, without delay, bit his tongue, a development which forced the rapist to abandon ‘his mission’ midstream, allowing the JHS pupil to flee to safety.

With blood oozing profusely from his seriously bitten tongue, Kyere sought medical attention at the AGA hospital where he explained that he had been attacked by armed robbers.

Having mentioned that he was attacked by armed robbers, the hospital authorities demanded that Kwame Kyere went for police a form before he could be attended to.

Desperate to seek medical attention, the 38-year-old man whose wife and children had traveled for a family engagement, went to the Gauwuso police station for the form but was subsequently arrested.

This happened because the 13-year-old girl, after escaping from the room, went straight to the police station and reported the case, so when Kwame Kyere appeared at the police station in that manner the situation struck a chord with the officer in charge who arrested him instantly.

When the 13-year-old victim appeared at the police station a few minutes later, she identified Kwame Kyere as the one who had raped her.

Due to his critical condition, Kwame Kyere was issued with a form to seek medical attention after which he was subsequently handed over to officials of the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police Service for onward action.

Inspector Daniel Amevo who is in charge of the case confirmed the story and indicated that investigations would be launched into the matter for the law to take its course.

Source: From Morgan Owusu; Obuasi