Rebekah Adjowa Kwatema Ofori-Frimpong

Wed, 28 Apr 2010 Source: .

finalist in the Miss Africa USA pageant to represent Ghana West Africa and the

United States for the 2010/11 pageant.

As a Miss Africa (Ghana) USA 2010/11

finalist I have selected the platform of Global Health to be my year long campaign

if I am selected to be the future Miss Africa USA 2010/11.

The platform of Global Health I would like to approach from a three tier perspective

that would include social, environmental, and preventative measures and focusing on

modeling community health projects in Africa and the USA to push this initiative

amongst at risk populations.

I am reaching out to your organization to help me connect with the Ghanaian

community in my quest to promote Global Health and find health solutions that work

as well empowering people to live healthier lives in Africa.

I have developed a micro project for the Miss Africa USA pageant. Please visit my

website at to see some of the ideas I have for

modeling a system that will help me elevate my platform of Global Health for the

Miss Africa USA 2010/11 pageant.

If you would like more information about my platform or goals please visit the Miss

Africa USA pageant website link to my profile at :

Source: .