Sally Frimpong demands GHC700k from EMY Awards organisers

Sally Lioness 660x400 Sally Frimpong is demanding GHC 700,000 from organisers of the EMY Awards

Fri, 10 Aug 2018 Source:

Lawyers of Sally Frimpong, owner of Lioness Media, have served Exclusive Men of The Year (EMY) Awards organisers a demand notice following their ‘refusal’ to pay what is due her since the inception of the scheme.

With barely a week to this year’s edition of the scheme, organisers would have to cough GHC 700,000, an accumulated figure dating back to 2014 when the maiden edition of the event was held.

According to the Demand Notice, Sally Frimpong was placed in charge of Publicity when the idea of having such a scheme was born.

It was agreed that fuel allowance shall be paid to members for attending weekly meetings; for their marketing/sponsorship rounds; any member who brings in a sponsor shall be paid 10-15% of the value of the said sponsorship; members will agree on a shareholding arrangement after each awards; and each member shall be entitled to 5% of the net profit every year after the awards ceremony.

Contrary to the said agreement, Sally Frimpong’s entitlements have not been given her.

“Our Client informs us that having contributed immensely to develop the structures of the Awards Scheme for it to become what it is today, you, together Clement Kwakye, Publisher of Exclusive Men’s Magazine have successfully frozen her out from any of the benefits she is entitled to. Furthermore none of the agreed terms as per paragraph 4 has been fulfilled over the years,” the notice stated.

“Our Client instructs us to inform you that haven been frozen out of the activities of the Secretariat, she is of the opinion that her professional expertise is no longer needed and therefore is willing to walk away amicably from anything connected with the Awards Scheme at a satisfactory compensation.

“Our client values her professional expertise, all the unpaid allowances, commission and fees she is entitled to, as well as her shareholding in the Awards Scheme over the four years of her involvement from 2014-2018 to be GHC700,000” it added.

The Exclusive Men of The year Awards (EMY) is a prestigious annual Fathers’ Day related event that celebrates men and fathers of steel and zeal, whose passion and dedication has rolled out major landmarks in the development and progress of our families, societies and the nation at large; Dignitaries, Businessmen, entertainers, sportsmen, social workers, journalists, administrators, philanthropists, mentors, and so on.
