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BGL turns reclaimed lands into mini forest reserves

Mon, 19 Apr 2004 Source: GNA

Bogoso (W/R), April 19, GNA - The Bogoso Gold Limited (BGL), operating in the Wassa West District of the Western Region, has reclaimed 19.7 hectares of mined out and degraded lands and converted them into mini forest reserves.

To facilitate the success of the programme, all abandoned lands were re-filled with sawn dust; black soil and other nitrogen fixing plants have been cultivated to restore lost nutrients and other mineral properties in the soil.

Mr. Sarfo Larbi, Environmental Supervisor of BGL said these during a community and media sensitisation tour of the BGL plant on Saturday. As part of its alternative livelihood project, the company is undertaking the reclamation exercise for farmers and individuals who would wish to go into farming after the expiration of the mandate of the mining company.

Mr. Larbi said between 1999 and 2002, Ofram, Wentaa, Afodari, Mahogany, palm trees and other crops had been planted at the site to reduce soil erosion, create wood lots, ensure that extinct tree species and some medicinal plants were available to the respective communities. Mr. Larbi said to avoid cyanide spillage and other environmental hazards, the company had strengthened its tailings pond and inspected it regularly.

Management had constructed a second pond to serve as a reservoir and assured the neighbouring communities that their streams, wells, boreholes and other water sources would not be contaminated. Mr. Neil Stevenson, Managing Director of BGL said the company was constructing a 750,000 Dollar residential quarters for personnel of the Police Service.

He said the two-storey complex would have 60 rooms, a conference room, charge office, cells, parking lots and other modern gadgets. Mr. Stevenson said the company was also constructing a football park for the youth at Prestea as part of its social responsibility to the communities.

He assured the surrounding communities that the BGL would begin an expansion programme next year that would provide more employment opportunities for the youth. 19 April 04

Source: GNA