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Sarah Kwabla and I enjoyed our love making - Asamoah Gyan

Gyan333 Asamoah Gyan

Mon, 26 Jun 2017 Source: ghanafuo.com

Footballer, Asamoah Gyan has disclosed that he did not sodomize Sarah Kwablah like her lawyer has made the Ghanaian public believe.

According to him, he Asamoah and Sarah Kwablah consented to their sexual affair before they engaged in the act.

He said "I will not deny sleeping with Sarah Kwablah, we both enjoyed the love making but she twisted the story and accused me of raping her, we had a good time".

The Black Stars captain Indicated that said she chose to choose Sarah because of her respectfulness but was very sad the girl's family wanted to extort money from him.

He mentioned that he told his wife who has since forgiven him.

Source: ghanafuo.com