Sarkodie finally exposes the disrespectful & arrogant part of him


Fri, 29 Aug 2014 Source: Flex Newspaper

Every Ghanaian has the freedom of expression, and that cannot be compromised. A musician who is also a Ghanaian has the freedom of expression, and that can be done through music.

However, in the act of expressing one's view, care should be taken in order for that freedom not to be abused.

Sarkodie is a Ghanaian, a musician, and he has the freedom to express himself. He has expressed himself in a new song titled 'Free Press' that has sparked so much controversy in the arts and creative industry.

I don't have any problem with Sarkodie for releasing that song but did he listen to himself very well on that song? Did he really think before releasing that song?

I have listened to the song very critically, and I want to make some things very clear. Sarkodie spoke about how hard he has been working to put Ghana on the world map so far as music is concerned, and this is a fact that I agree with.

He made mention of the fact that in as much as he works hard without taking a nap, people find time to pull him down which is unfortunate. I also agree with this, but one thing that he said which sounds like an insult is the fact that journalists do not follow him to the BET Awards and the likes, but would sit on TV and express silly views.

Has Sarkodie ever thought about the resources at the disposal of the media? Which media house has enough resources to sponsor a journalist to Los Angeles to cover the BET Awards just because he (Sarkodie) has been nominated for an award?

What is wrong if Sarkodie sponsors his Publicist to the BET Awards and then this publicist gives information to the media? Besides, don't the media put out information on him whenever he gets nominated or wins any international award? What kind of disrespect and ungratefulness is this?

Sarkodie goes further to say that the media sits down in the country and talks about unnecessary things and then had the guts to ask if the media thinks that he uses 'nku' (pomade or shea butter ) to shoot his music videos.

This is a blatant insult to the media that should not be entertained. Who in this world uses 'nku' to shoot a music video? You need to listen to the song, and you would understand what I am talking about.

Without mincing words, Sarkodie has goofed. In as much as the media could do much better to support our musicians, which does not give him the right to insult the media.

Is Sarkodie really having a management team? Does the management team manage him or he orders his team around? If he has a management team and the team allowed this song to be released, then I must admit that they are not in control of their artiste.

'Free Press' is an evidence of how Sarkodie has allowed fame to get the better part of him to the extent that he shows disrespects and insults the media. Has he forgotten that Dr. Duncan nurtured him on Adom FM some years back?

Is Adom FM not part of the media or is it a carpentry shop? Are the various radio presenters/DJs with radio stations that play his songs not part of the media? Are the televisions stations that air his music videos not part of the media?

I am very happy that Sarkodie released 'Free Press'; at least he has given the opportunity for the media to know how disrespectful, insolent and ungrateful he can be. Sarkodie should know that no matter what the issue may be, the media has helped him to get to the level he is now.

He couldn't have attained his current level of success without the help of the media. Sarkodie should not be surprised if ''Free Press'' marks the beginning of his music career's decline. At least, no musician would be on top forever.

Henceforth, Sarkodie should ask the media never to play his songs, air his music videos or talk about him as he can do everything on his own. He has made it clear that the media does not have a hand in his career.

The case of Sarkodie's 'Free Press' is a clear case of pride, arrogance and absolute disrespect. What else can I say? Is Sammy Forson Sarkodie's manager or messenger and is he part of the media or not?

More unfortunate is the fact that Sammy Forson on Pluzz 89.9fm's Flex on Pluzz, had the guts to stress that there isn't any need for Sarkodie to apologize to the media and would, therefore, not do so.

I can only wish Sarkodie well and hope that he wakes up from his death-like sleep.

Source: Flex Newspaper