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Sculpture exhibition opens at Alliance Francaise

Thu, 27 May 2004 Source: GNA

Kumasi, May 27, GNA - The Sculpture Section of the College of Arts, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) on Wednesday mounted its maiden public exhibition at the Alliance Francaise in Kumasi.

Dubbed "Gyata Dee", the exhibition is designed to afford the young artists, their first experience to confront space, explore their possibilities and limits and to create a dialogue between individual and collective works.

The month-long exhibition is being organised by the College of Arts in collaboration with the French Embassy and the School of Fine Arts in Paris.

Opening the exhibition, Mr Benjamin Offei-Nyarko, Head of the Painting and Sculpture Department of the College of Arts, called on corporate bodies to be committed to sponsoring such exhibitions to help expose fine arts students to the changing face of their work due to globalisation.

He said as the world was now a global village, it was easier communicating with people through sculpture and therefore advised the students to go into partnership to export some of their works for foreign exchange.

Mr Offei-Nyarko commended the French Embassy for linking the College of Arts to the School of Fine Arts in Paris, saying, "the link would help expose the students to new ideas and enhance their creativity". 27 May 2004

Source: GNA