Set career priorities in your youthful age to secure better future – Joyce Danso

Joyce Okyerewaa Danso 7 Founder of Career 101, Joyce Okyerewaa Danso

Wed, 12 May 2021 Source:

The Ghanaian youth has been charged to make the best of their youthful stages by prioritizing their plans of action towards a better future.

Founder of Career 101, Joyce Okyerewaa Danso, noted, in an interview on Campus Exclusive, people usually do not grow to their full potentials because they tend to engage in almost every program or activity without prioritizing.

She said for such persons, they believe that being a member of one group, or having just one ambition is not enough.

“There is a mindset that when you are young, your youthful age never seems to fade away. At this stage, young people are rushing to do a lot of things, they put a lot of energy into so many things without prioritizing what exactly they need to do in relation to their career and personal development."

"When you put all your energy in a lot of areas and you do not prioritize, you are unable to grow,” she said.

According to Joyce, the youth must seek learned advice and guidance from appropriate quarters to enable them to adjust adequately to situations and issues.

“We need to equally learn to adjust. We also learn from people who have gone through the system whiles we have the creativity urge to make situations change.

"At a point, you need to sit down and analyze and ask yourself about where you are going, your strengths and how you are faring in terms of achieving your goals,” she added.

She believes that currently, young individuals are engaging in profitable ventures towards their future, however, governmental institutions in the country should be doing more to help them.

“I think people are trying here, I know a lot of young people who are doing their best. The challenge is that inasmuch as we talk about efforts from the young people, we look at the system and how supportive it is going to be of these young ones who are trying their best.”
