Sex Girl Chases Music Producer

Wed, 2 Feb 2011 Source: News-One

It is not clear what exactly happened but News-One sources say renowned movie producer Fred Nuamah was recently seen running out of a luxurious hotel in Accra with a half-naked woman chasing him and screaming “Fred you must fuck me today.”

A movie producer being chased by a naked woman at the lobby of a hotel definitely raises a lot of eyebrows and Fred, dressed in black designer suit, was said to be walking very briskly while struggling to knot his tie, as if he was not the one the half naked woman was running after. Her name was not immediately known but the source says she was dressed in an exceptionally short skirt and a bare-back lycra top and that she was holding something that looked like a black brassiere. “the woman was shouting on top of her voice and throwing her hands all over so everyone started looking at her…Fred behaved like a gentleman and continued walking and did not even look at her till he got to the car park.

I could not hear what he exactly told her before entering his car and quickly drove off. It was a silver-coloured Porshe Cayenne Four Wheel Drive with a Togo registered number plate. “But the woman jumped into a taxi and followed him,” the source narrated. Fred Nuamah has remained tight-lipped over the matter and would not even pass the conventional “no comment” response but News-One checks revealed that the said hotel is near the 37 Military hospital in Accra and that he had checked in the night before. Further checks revealed that Fred Nuamah is not married and his stardom attracts to him a lot of ladies who compete for his love.

Though not proven beyond doubt, a close confidant of Fred Nuamah has told News-One that the said lady is called Chantal and that she had been holding herself up as his fiancée though they are casual friends with no erotic links whatsoever. The confidant said Chantal probably heard that Fred was at the hotel and so called him on phone with an explanation that she was at the same hotel to meet a friend and that she had spotted his vehicle at the car park. Fred was said to have told Chantal that she was lodging in room 212 but was about to leave for a meeting in connection with the handing over of the prize cars for the Ghana Movie awards.

“What he told me was that the lady came straight to the room and started narrating how she had been dreaming of going to bed with him so he should not let her down…he walked out of the room when she removed her brassiere and that was when she started following him,” the confidante disclosed. Fred is a trendy celebrity believed to have some wealth. He is a bachelor and has also not hidden the fact that he is currently not dating.

Source: News-One