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Sex or love - What really attracts older men to young girls?

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Fri, 8 Apr 2016 Source: thefinderonline.com

He could be twice her age, perhaps more --- indeed, old enough to be her father. But all that appear to be secondary issues to many older men who, for varied reasons, find comfort and romance in the bosom of the much younger generation.

A survey conducted by the Weekend Finder has revealed that the reasons that drive older men to express a pleasurable feeling and emotional attraction towards girls much, much younger than them range from mid married-life crisis to hard-core Casanova adventurism.

In the words of Fred Adams, a 55-year-old businessman who deals in spare parts, problems at home is one major factor. “When your wife begins to give you reasons why you cannot have sex or romance constantly, it is only fair that you look for that in a younger lady who will give you that romantic excitement.”

Change and sheer adventure is another factor, Fred continued. “Sometimes you just want a change not because you do not love your wife but because you want something different from what you have at home. Human beings by nature are greedy and love to have change. After all, variety is said to be the spice of life and so even though your wife might be providing everything you need at home, you just want to try something different.”

The survey, which was conducted among men who have been married between 10 and 30 years, further revealed that every man has something that attracts him to women: be it big or firm breast, fine legs, thick lips, big backside or colour; these elements also play a part in their decisions to cheat or have a younger girlfriend.

For others, their decision to date younger girls is just to satisfy their ego. They have the money and want to show off their wealth by splashing it on as many women as possible.

A 57-year-old business executive, who pleaded anonymity, told the paper “Even though I love my wife, I cannot resist the temptation of a good-looking girl with a good attractive body so I have a 27-year-old girlfriend who takes good care of me.

“The quality of attention the young lady gives me is super, and for some of us who love massages, we tend to enjoy such things from our young girlfriends. She pays attention to every little detail like my feet; she makes me feel young, lively, eager and reinvigorated.

“She understands my body language, anticipates my demands and gives me what I want. The young girls put you in a happy mood; in return you take good care of them by providing their needs.

“Do not get me wrong. I love my wife and my girlfriend cannot replace my wife. My relationship with my girlfriend does not interfere with that of my wife. I provide her with everything she needs as well as the family.”

Daniel Quansah, on his part, believes some older men go after younger girls just to satisfy their sexual fantasies. They want to live the fantasies they did not enjoy while they were younger, he added.

“Younger women offer good sex and services with new tricks the older women cannot provide. They give you uninterrupted attention and keep you company as against going home to a nagging wife who welcomes you from work with complaints,” Quansah told Weekend Finder.

To him, some wives are not worth going home to due to the fact that they bore their men with complaints. He added that after years of marriage, some women become complacent and start looking unattractive in appearance, whereas a younger woman would always love to look attractive and sexy.

Hip-hop artiste, Criss Waddle recently posted online that “married men who still engage in extramarital affair to consider the idea of buying their wife a school uniform if they find themselves attracted to school girls”.

For him, that advice may help curb the urge of older men to chase young girls.

But it looks like he got it all wrong. His advice will simply not wash with older men, and their love game with the young ones continues unabated.

Source: thefinderonline.com