File photo of a couple on a date (source: Parade)
It’s a new year, a new February, and a new Valentine’s Day celebration. I can bet that several restaurants have been reserved, as well as hotels booked for the night.
And, oh! not to forget the Guccis, Pradas, and cars some ladies will receive from their boyfriends and fiancés. That sounds very romantic.
It’s a beautiful view when you hit some parts of Accra. Most shops have decorated their places with Valentine fliers and ribbons. With the gift shops, watching them from afar only puts you in a love mood.
I passed by the mall last weekend to grab some groceries. I overheard two ladies, whom I presumed to be best friends, talking. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but I got attracted to their conversation. Their conversation was centred on what they expected their beloveds to do for them on February 14.
With a heightened expectation, one of them even mentioned breaking up with her guy when he doesn't meet her expectations.
My “wow” came out loud and I know they heard it because they turned to look at me. I bought the items that took me to the mall and headed back home.
Women feel loved and on top of the world when they receive cars and designer bags and are taken to expensive restaurants, but should that be a necessity or a responsibility of the men?
From the eavesdropped conversation, I kept wondering and asked myself this question:
Should men feel obligated to spend on their girlfriends on Valentine’s Day?
To get some answers, I spoke to some men to know the men’s perspective on this question and their response, I found intriguing.
Some related their responses to sociocultural factors; others said a man’s pocket will determine whether a man will feel it’s a necessity or not.
Others asked why it should be an obligation when there is a plethora of days to show love.
As stated earlier, the responses were intriguing, but I have grasped some understanding as to why some men go through length and breadth to gift their girlfriends.
According to these men, it has become obligatory because of pressure from society and also not to lose their lovers through influence.
Well said, but my ladies, please take chill pills when you are not celebrated in the way you want to.
Valentine’s Day is just like any day, and I agree with the opposition that there are lots of days your boyfriend can show you how much he loves you.
Do not let society come in between the wonderful relationship you have with your partner.
To the couples looking forward to having a great night, please use condoms! Ghana Water Company of Ghana some time ago attributed the shortage of water the country is experiencing to rapid population growth so be guided; we need water to survive.
Author: Eugenia Diabah