Snake Spits Cash

Sat, 23 Aug 2008 Source: Daily Guide

A GIANT cobra measuring about 10 feet which vomits hard Ghanaian currency in different denominations to enrich its owner, has gone wild.

This is because the owner, 54-year-old Akwasi Boateng who hails from Tafo in Kumasi but resides at Obuasi, had allegedly offended the reptile.

The huge multi-coloured cobra which had the spiritual capacity to vomit GH¢20,000 a day, abhors the blood of a menstruating woman.

The blood of a menstruating woman is the only weapon in the spiritual realm that can render the ritual snake powerless.

Against this background, Nana Abosom Akutre, a dreaded fetish priest at Wenchi-Subinso Number II in the Brong Ahafo Region, who conjured the gigantic spiritual snake for Mr Boateng, warned him to stay away from menstruating women.

According to Mr Boateng, the potent fetish priest made it clear to him that the horrendous snake would be rendered incapable as soon as he engages a menstruating woman in a sexual activity.

Determined to keep the astonishing snake, Mr Boateng said he strictly abided by the caution until recently when he inadvertently broke the rule.

He disclosed that not too long ago, he went to town, got drunk and brought home a certain lady with whom he had sex throughout the night.

"I didn't know the lady was menstruating until morning when I saw some blood on the bed and became alarmed and when I asked the lady, she confirmed that she was in her period," he stated painfully.

The snake man averred, "The lady even told me that she did everything possible to stop me from having sex with her in that condition but because I was drunk I did not budge".

He opined that instantly he came to the realisation that he had breached the rule, so he swiftly dashed to the room of the snake to find out what had happened to it.

"To my utter surprise, the snake which had been kept in a locked box and placed under a bed had come out by itself and was crawling on the floor," Mr Boateng observed.

According to him, as soon as the enraged snake saw him, it started barking at him like a furious wild dog.

He said when he sensed danger he began to run away but the infuriated ritual snake gave him a hot chase.

Mr Boateng explained that following the tormenting posture of the dreadful snake, he abandoned his house for some weeks and pitched camp with a friend.

He mentioned that when he returned to the house, the snake had calmed down and even moved back into its box.

"When I returned and saw that the snake had moved back to its box, I thought it had begun vomiting money again, but to my chagrin, the snake had not vomited even a penny," he disclosed.

Mr Boateng revealed that prior to the incident, the snake used to vomit at least GH¢20,000 a day.

"Every morning I just have to open the box and retrieve whatever money the snake had vomited," he shockingly stated.

He indicated that the snake had vomited money for him for the past three years.

Mr Boateng disclosed that when he established that the snake was no more vomiting money, he notified the fetish priest, Nana Abosom Akutre, who informed him that he could only revitalise the powers of the snake on a condition.

Though he will not disclose the condition, the middle-aged man said he told the fetish priest he could not afford it because of the severity of the condition.

He said he pleaded with the traditional worshipper to accept money but the latter rejected the offer outright.

Mr Boateng noted that when he discussed the matter with some friends, they advised him to go public with the issue with a view to forcing the fetish priest to reactivate the money-spitting trait of the snake.

He said he therefore decided to take the issue to Fox fm, a local radio station in Kumasi where the fetish priest had been running his commercial.

"When I went to Fox fm, they told me to bring the snake before they could help me, so I brought the snake to the station last Tuesday evening," he stated.

When the issue was being discussed on air and the fetish priest was called, he confirmed the story, but said, "I can only help him if he fulfils the condition I have given him".

When asked to reveal the condition, Nana Abosom Akutre indicated that the condition is not meant for public consumption and that Mr Boateng knows it.

The fetish priest noted that if Mr Boateng fails to fulfill the condition by a certain period, the snake will vanish and something untoward could befall him (Mr Boateng).

No matter how much the moderator and panelists on the programme begged Nana Abosom Akutre to be lenient with the middle-aged man, the fetish priest would not yield.

Explaining, Nana Abosom Akutre said he was at his shrine some three years ago when Mr Boateng came to him and said he was in a terrible financial situation so he needed money.

The fetish priest said after Mr Boateng had performed the needed rituals which he was not willing to mention, he conjured the snake which had the spiritual capacity to vomit Ghanaian Cedis in diverse denominations.

Nana Abosom Akutre, who claimed that many people had come to him for money rituals, noted, "My snakes hate blood of menstruating women; so I warned him sternly to stay away from such women so that he could enjoy the money for long".

Corroborating the fetish priest's claims, Mr Boateng said he owed so many people but could not find money to pay them.

Therefore he decided to seek help and he ended up at the shrine of Nana Abosom Akutre.

He said since the snake began vomiting money, he had been able to settle all his debts and even has money in abundance which could sustain him for years.

Mr Boateng who strongly objected to his photograph being taken for the purpose of publication, stated that because he is getting weak, he wanted the snake to stay put so that it could continue to vomit money to keep him going till he dies.

When DAILY GUIDE rushed to the premises of Fox fm after the programme, the snake was spotted lying on a red cloth in a specially made wooden box.

Two big eggs, a number of cowries and other ritually prepared materials had surrounded the ferocious snake which appeared motionless no matter how hard the box was shaken.

A thick crowd of enthusiastic observers who were listening to the programme besieged the radio station's premises to catch a glimpse of the extremely large money-vomiting snake.

From Morgan Owusu, Kumasi

Source: Daily Guide