Some churches make unnecessary noise - Wiyaala


Thu, 30 Apr 2015 Source: Flex Newspaper

This year's winner of Vodafone Ghana Music Awards’ Best Female Vocal Performance, Noella Wiyaala in an interview with Flex newspaper has revealed why she doesn’t go to church.

During the interview with Flex Newspaper concerning her religious life, she said she used to worship as a Catholic but for the past two years she has not been to church.

“The fact that I don’t go to church doesn’t mean I don’t pray. I don’t go to church because the churches around where I stay currently make too much noise which doesn’t invite me to worship with them. I believe we go to church to worship God, sing and pray but what goes on in my area is beyond measures,” Wiyaala disclosed.

“Why should they be shouting at God in the first place just to get favour? To me it’s unnecessary and those things put me off. You don’t have to shout at God to give you something that doesn’t suit you especially if God says he won’t give you something and you keep shouting, he won’t give it to you,” she added.

When she was asked if she would ever marry a man of God, she said “no” “I am a religious person but marrying a man of God won’t work for me. I do secular music and a man of God wouldn’t allow his wife to be doing that. I will rather marry a free thinker so that we manage, particularly someone who is not too much into church.”

Source: Flex Newspaper