Some pastors, politicians take sexual drugs to chase ‘young girls’ - Prophet Kofi Oduro

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Mon, 18 Mar 2024 Source:

The head pastor of the Alabaster Ministry International, Prophet Kofi Oduro, has bemoaned the rate at which some pastors and politicians in the country have a dire interest in having an extramarital affair with young girls for pleasure.

He stated that some pastors who have been ordained to be ministers and are married are womanizers, drunkards and thieves, adding that they have deviated from their mandate as men of God.

He also lamented the rate at which some old male politicians and pastors take sex-enhancement drugs to have intercourse with young girls for pleasure while their wives are available.

In a video shared by Trends GH TV on their YouTube channel and sighted by GhanaWeb, Prophet Oduro lambasted male pastors and politicians who engage in some lustful acts such as womanizing and thievery.

“Many pastors in Ghana are womanizers, drunkards and thieves. I thought when someone reaches the age of 50 and above they don’t have lust anymore ,but these days 60-year-old men are taking sex enhancement drugs for sexual pleasure.

“There are some male politicians in Ghana who take drugs to have intercourse with young girls while their wives are available,” he said.

The prophet further shared his opinion on what he thinks triggers these men to indulge themselves in chasing young girls for pleasure.

“I think it’s because their wives cannot perform some sex styles, so they go for young girls who would give them that pleasure, and the same girls would break their hearts,” he added.

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