FIFA's GOAL Programe to benefit Ghana

Fri, 8 Mar 2002 Source: gna

The Ghana Football Authority (GFA) is to benefit from the World Football Governing body, FIFA’s GOAL Programme for the next two years. The GFA therefore joins 116 national associations that have been selected by the FIFA GOAL Bureau, a committee that has been tasked to ensure the success of the programme, which are expected to benefit from the governing body’s new initiative.

According to a release signed by FIFA’s General Secretary, Mitchel Zen-Ruffinen and copied to the GFA, FIFA has noted the national body’s interest towards the GOAL Programme and the international body, by its respect for a balance between confederations is considering countries under the Confederation of African Football (CAF) under the total budget approved by the FIFA congress for the year.

The release confirmed that the GFA would benefit from the programme in the next two years and hoped that concrete action plans would be put place to enhance total development of football in the country. According to Mr Zen-Ruffinen, the FIFA Finance Committee at its Zurich meeting last month decided to present the 2003-2006 budget to the National Association during the FIFA Congress in Seoul, South Korea, with provision that the Financial Assistance Programme and the GOAL Programme will be continued during the next four years.

Source: gna