The Photographic Lens Of Young Teresa Meka

Teresa Meka Herself

Mon, 8 Nov 2010 Source: Paul Azumah-Ayitey/ B&FT Lifestyle

It is generally unusual, particularly in this side of the world, to see a young lady flap a huge camera bag over her shoulder, and holding a couple of other accessories, alight from a car and head towards the location of a huge event only to confirm that she has been employed as the one to capture vivid moments worth reliving in papers, magazines and for billboards. As daunting as the task may be, this young lady would in the end awe her contractors and leave them with still-captured motions bathed in warmth and symbolism that speak volume- Teresa Meka is the young lady.

20 -year-old Teresa Meka, of Ghanaian and Nigerian descent, is a budding photographer with this rare passion for natural moments captured as photography. Spending the greater part of her childhood in her Nigeria, Teresa came to Ghana and found herself studying General Arts in Senior High School. Even so, she recounts those nostalgic times that she would take her uncle’s camera and play with it but never having the slightest clue that it would pave the way to this day.

A lover of arts, music, architecture and social discussions, Teresa began to develop her interest in photography just after Senior High School and while many said she was just in a phase, other close relations advised that she never takes it serious since her intelligence would even fetch her far more than highly trained professionals in notable professions. However, this did not deter Teresa from her photography passion which later became her life dream. A staunch Christian, she recalls spending many times praying for a way to convince all that mattered that there was more to her passion than she had shown and they as well had known. Later after school, a number of friends and her family began to support her course when they realised that what poured out in her raw works were even masterpieces.

Eventually, she found a platform to learn and experience photography from her like minded young folks who were turning professionals when her sister in her start up as a model introduced Teresa to a friend, Oforiwa Ama Boamah and her Adinkra Studious crew. The moments she spent taking pictures on the streets and beaches, visiting slums, urban communities and celebration events provoked the volume of books, symbolic cultures and technology she studied to complement that desire to have photography as her very eyes and capture scenes that would be preserved for generations to come. Therefore when family sponsored Teresa to sharpen her photography as a professional and business, she took the opportunity to study the fundamentals of digital photography at the College of Digital Photography (CODP) in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Today, Teresa Meka is getting recognition as one of the youngest African photographers on the rise carving a niche for themselves in the world of photography and paving way for young people particularly young females to take to photography as a career. With her works for major entertainment portals and figures, business firms and charity outfits, Teresa Meka Photography as an entity has labelled moments across the African terrain with magnificent craft that vouch references anytime. Though Teresa wants to remain largely uncovered since she says she is not fully baked for a full exposure, she has found for herself lovers of her work with compliments coming from all over the world and ardent fans such as Panji Anoff of Pidgin Music here in Ghana plus the like of John Dumelo after photo shoots and meeting them.

Those privy to her works and privately on facebook, flickr and shutterchance know the future of African Photography lies in good hands with Teresa Meka in the fray. Her love for detailed and intricate exposure in her settings for photos and natural environments as well as youthful trends of modest arts and lifestyles speak deeply about her passion. Her mentors Nana Kofi Acquah, Bob Pixel, Obi Somoto, Ross Oscar Knight, Oforiwaa Ama Boamah and others she says keep her on the path to becoming a well established pro.

In her own words as a message to wanna-be photographers, Teresa writes, “To become a successful pro photographer that will capture and preserve magical real life scenes for generations to come, put your efforts in education and studying photography books and manuals, follow works of other photographers, practice regularly and develop new skills and ways about your experiments. Develop your own style and niche and it will set you apart. People might not support or believe in your dream but the kind of passion and commitment you show will win them over in no time. I have not reached there yet but with your passion and interest I sure hope to meet you at the peak of life moments best remembered as treasured photography of our time.”

Teresa Meka is a young and an upcoming photographer with a unique eye for captured moments that tell stories and relive atmospheres in the preferred context. Against all expectations by society that she follows the trail of becoming a business consultant, Teresa fought through her passion to become a photographer. Her speciality in feature photography also transcends event photography, portraits, landscapes and theme photo shoots.

Source: Paul Azumah-Ayitey/ B&FT Lifestyle