The right people will find you at the right time - Leila Djansi

Leila Djansi Leila Djansi

Mon, 23 Apr 2018 Source:

Movie Producer, Leila Djansi took to her Facebook page to advise that, it is not healthy to be in a relationship when you know you’re not happy.

She added that it is necessary to break loose and avoid being trapped in a relationship because of the fear of being lonely. monitored!

According to her, most ladies have given their all to their relationships but nothing seems to come out of them and therefore it is time they moved on with their lives.

She said “For fear of being alone, many women are trapped in bad relationships. Many humans are trapped in one-sided friendships and relationships.

Relationships in which you give and give and give, you get nothing back, but you keep giving till theres nothing more to give. Let people go.

There’s nothing wrong with being alone! Learn to occupy your time and fill yourself and fulfill your purpose or find your purpose. The right people will find you at the right time.”

She indicated that being alone cannot be the worst situation you may find yourself in. And that, it is important to occupy oneself with productiveness and the right people will come at the right time.
