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The vanity of six-pack

File photo of a man's sic packs

Sun, 28 May 2023 Source: Isaac Poku

Sometimes I wonder why people frequent the gym to tirelessly build their body muscles and boast of a 6 pack. How relevant is this 6 pack in their lives apart from the fact that it attracts shallow-minded ladies? And if they are fortunate, they are hired as bouncers in strip clubs. For me, I would rather spend less busy hours working extra to earn more money than waste my precious time sweating in the gym.

Charlie, I have to confess that my aforementioned comment is borne out of "envy." I begrudge the 6 pack men with all my soul. You know what? I tried a couple of years ago to do some morning training but I failed. I only managed to do some light exercise for a few days and that was all. Within that brief period, I saw some satisfactory changes in my physical and mental well-being.

But why did I discontinue? The desire to have a healthy body was present but the demand was very high and challenging! It required much more discipline than I had anticipated. I look with admiration at those who jog regularly and are consistent with their training sessions. Within me, I respect them but outwardly, I seem to brush off their achievements. Even so, I hope for the day when I can garner all the accoutrements I need to be like them.

You see, my introductory pseudo-posture is mirrored in the comments and attitudinal reactions of many people who speak against Christianity. I sense that within them, they adore sincere Christians who are committed to Christ. Yet, they speak so rudely and callously against Christianity as though Christ has snatched away their girlfriends. Surprisingly, this comes especially from those who claim they were once Christians.

Could it be that it is a reaction of frustration like some people do when they fail to commit to a regular drill? Certainly! Who would have ever thought that Shugatiti, who once left the church for so many years, will turn back to the God she once professed was invented by colonialists (MyNewsGH, 2020)? In her recent interview with Zion Felix, she revealed that no one preached to her but she had to go back to church (GhanaWeb, 2023).

Like her, many people who claim to have issues with Christianity by citing many grounds sometimes refuse to see that they are the reason why they left. There are bad nuts who are using the name of Christ for several dubious acts. However, there are serious Christians who are trying all they can to reflect the life of Christ in this crooked world.

It is only utter dishonesty to one's own conscience when he leaves Christianity because he thinks it is the problem. I may intentionally give you many excuses for my pot belly, but I hate it. Yet, what I have to do to deal with it is not easy. So what do I have to do? I have to endeavour to find out how I can exercise periodically than enviously blast my 6 pack heroes.

If you are tired of pretending that Christianity is the problem, please return to Jesus. The standard for Christianity is very high, but that is why Christ left us the Holy Spirit to bear goldy fruit in us (Gal. 5:22-23). You only have to allow him to patiently work in you, on you and through you. May the Lord continue to touch your heart and give you the strength to turn back.

If in your case, you have never tasted the love of God in Christ, you can come to him now. You only have to believe (Mark 16:16), repent (Luke 13:3), confess (Rom. 10:10), baptize (Acts 22:16), be added to his church (Acts 2:47), and walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:3,4).

Enjoy the Grace of God!


Source: Isaac Poku