There is no question about Jesus Christ being the Lord of Lords – Concerned Christians to CCG

Adom Kyei Heals LilWin.png Prophet Adom Kyei-Duah, Head Pastor of Believers Worship Center

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 Source:

A group that identifies itself as Concerned Christians have refuted claims made by the Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) in a press release titled, ‘Beware of false teachers and messiah.’

In the said statement from the CCG, the council denounced claims by the leader of the Philadelphia movement, Prophet Stephen Adom Kyei, that in the next five hundred years, his face will be used as a replacement for the globally adopted ‘Jesus picture’.

The council maintained that, Prophet Adom Kyei Duah is not and cannot be the Jesus that Christians seek and warned the Church of Christ against false teachers, messiahs and easily accepting people as God’s chosen because they performed miracles and other spectacular acts.

Reacting to the statement by the CCG, the group maintained that, the council aimed at discrediting the hard-won reputation of Prophet Adom Kyei by suggesting that he [Prophet Adom Kyei] said he is the Jesus Christ Christians are expecting.

“In Christianity, there is no question about the Lord Jesus Christ being the Lord of lords and King of kings. The ONLY Son of the living God, the Savior of mankind who shed His blood on the cross, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven, and the Messiah to come in glory as the Apostles witnessed His glorious ascension in Acts 1:9-11. The authors of the press statement did not state that Papa Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah (Papa Adom) has said he is the Son of God who died on the cross (let alone to be a Messiah).

“Which means the authors knew the truth that the servant of God has NOT said that. So why raise an issue for a non-existing matter? This is much ado about nothing,” part of the statement read.

They argued that lately, there have been doctrinal challenges and mistakes in the Christian body, an error, the body of Christ has been waiting on a leader like Prophet Adom Kyei to correct.

The statement read, “Considering the above definition of “waiting for” as expecting someone to help fix something, it is the actual contextual meaning of the assertion of Papa Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah (Papa Adom).

“We can respectfully say that, a serious-minded Christian leader can observe that there are worrying challenges such as unbiblical practices in Christianity.

“Largely Christians have been waiting for someone like Papa Adom to help show the right way of the Lord Jesus Christ for people to know how to fix the barrage of issues today.

“Indeed, there are many Christians who have been yearning to have real solutions to their problems as part of the full salvation package, because their churches are not able to provide same.”

Read the full statement here:


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