These tongue twisters will make you bite your tongue

Black Women Laughing File Photo

Sun, 24 Apr 2016 Source:

Ever tried speaking out loud the most difficult tongue twisters in the history of English language? Now is the time for you try some of such carefully selected tongue twisters and just make sure you do not bit your tongue!

Are our oars oak? (Say it loud 3 times)

Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran. (Say it loud 3 times)

Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.(Say it loud 3 times)

Betty better butter Brad’s bread.(Say it loud 3 times)

Black bug’s blood.(Say it loud 3 times)

The blue bluebird blinks.(Say it loud 3 times)

The bootblack bought the black boot back.(Say it loud 3 times)

A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.(Say it loud 3 times)

Brad’s big black bath brush broke.(Say it loud 3 times)

Cecily thought Sicily less thirstily than Thessaly.(Say it loud 3 times)

Cedar shingles should be shaved and saved.(Say it loud 3 times)

A cheap ship trip.(Say it loud 3 times)

Chop shops stock chops.(Say it loud 3 times)

Comical economists.(Say it loud 3 times)

Cows graze in groves on grass which grows in grooves in groves.(Say it loud 3 times)

Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.(Say it loud 3 times)

The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver.(Say it loud 3 times)

I can think of six thin things and of six thick things too.(Say it loud 3 times)

I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor’s reckoning.(Say it loud 3 times)

If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?(Say it loud 3 times)

I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.(Say it loud 3 times)

Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.(Say it loud 3 times)

Lily ladles little Letty’s lentil soup.(Say it loud 3 times)

Listen to the local yokel yodel.(Say it loud 3 times)

Lovely lemon liniment.(Say it loud 3 times)

Many an anemone sees an enemy anemone.(Say it loud 3 times)

The minx mixed a medicinal mixture.(Say it loud 3 times)

Mixed biscuits.(Say it loud 3 times)

Mix, Miss, Mix!(Say it loud 3 times)

Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.(Say it loud 3 times)

Plague-bearing prairie dogs.(Say it loud 3 times)

A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.(Say it loud 3 times)

Please pay promptly.(Say it loud 3 times)

Red lorry, yellow lorry.(Say it loud 3 times)

Rubber baby buggy bumper.(Say it loud 3 times)

Ruby Rugby’s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.(Say it loud 3 times)

Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks.(Say it loud 3 times)

Sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk sash shop.(Say it loud 3 times)

The sawingest saw I ever saw saw was the saw I saw saw in Arkansas.(Say it loud 3 times)

Say this sharply, say this sweetly; Say this shortly, say this softly; Say this sixteen times in succession.(Say it loud 3 times)

Six short slow shepherds.(Say it loud 3 times)

Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings.(Say it loud 3 times)

Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.(Say it loud 3 times)

Six sticky sucker sticks.(Say it loud 3 times)

The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.(Say it loud 3 times)

Six twin-screwed steel steam cruisers.(Say it loud 3 times)

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.(Say it loud 3 times)

Sly Sam slurps Sally’s soup.(Say it loud 3 times)
