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Use any means to make your man responsible - Lutterodt

Counsellor Lutterodt Charm Counsellor George Lutterodt

Thu, 16 Jun 2016 Source: vibesin5.com

The man of God who never stops throwing bombs has done it again. In his usual controversial mode, Counselor George Lutterodt has made another strong pronouncement.

On Rundown with Joojo on TV Africa this week, the loud counselor touching on the subject of men and their responsibilities disclosed that any man who impregnates a woman, should take responsibility for his actions.

The man of God continued to add that men should not be allowed to go scot free after impregnating their women. They should be made responsible by all means.

In stating the tactics to employ to make these men responsible, counselor Lutterodt advised the women to employ any means they deem fit, including the use of physical, legal and even spiritual means or charms if they want.

He believes no woman should be left to suffer the pain of conception to delivery alone. The men who impregnate them should be involved and share in that pain.

He again added that they can also employ the services of their objects of worship.

“This is to the women if any man impregnates you don’t let them go scot free, use any means you can to make them responsible for their actions. Use physical means, legal means, spiritual means, in fact use the powers and help of anything you believe in”. The counselor stated.

This advice comes as a morale booster for women to make their men responsible. To irresponsible men, this would definitely not be good news to them since they are about to be made responsible.

Source: vibesin5.com