VIP’s US Tour Postponed

Sat, 17 Mar 2012 Source: eugene osafo-nkansah/

Reliable information available to indicates that the much awaited America and Europe tour by award winning Ghanaian group VIP (Vision In Progress), which was supposed to take off tomorrow March 17, 2012 in New York has been postponed due to an unexpected emergency.

Speaking to the group who sounded very worried disclosed that one member of the group, Promzy has suddenly taken ill so they have to hold on their trip to America until he is fully recovered or his condition becomes stable.

“Promzy is very sick and there is no way we can start this tour or travel outside the country and leave him in Ghana in this condition. We are a group and we have to be there for each other. It is very unfortunate but as we all know nobody can tell when sickness will attack”, they told Peacefmonline.

The group was supposed to fly out of the country this evening to touch down in New York to start their tour tomorrow at the Amania Ball Room in Manhattan. Even though the group refused to give details of Promzy’s illness, they said he is in a very critical condition which needs serious medical attention.

“Everything was set for us to go until this unexpected thing happened. We don’t know where this is coming from but we have to support our brother because we are incomplete without him”.

They disclosed that the tour has been put on hold for now, until Promzy is properly taken care off and cured. They told the tour will be rescheduled and the new date will be announced later.

They apologized to their fans and assured them that the tour will definitely come off but on a later date.

“We want to use this opportunity to apologize to our fans all over the world. We assure them that the tour will definitely happen. We want everybody to pray for our brother Promzy”.

However, they stated that their concert scheduled for Toronto Canada on April 6, 2012 will still come off as planned. investigations have revealed that the situation has compelled the group’s business partner Hashin Harma of BDN Records (Boogie Down Nima) based in the Bronx, New York to fly down to Ghana to support the group and get first-hand information on the way forward.

According to close sources Hashin, who is responsible for putting together all the tours in the Americas and Europe will be in Ghana until everything is settled.

The tour was scheduled to start from New York, to Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, Texas, Maryland, Boston and other cities.

Source: eugene osafo-nkansah/