Valentine’s Day: Love can make or break you!

1.19844094 Valentine

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 Source: GNA

The 14th of February, celebrated worldwide as St Valentine’s Day is just some hours away. Some shops in Accra are cashing in on the season by displaying hampers wrapped in red, as well as teddy bears with love or heart symbol on the fleek.

Valentine is said to have originated from a Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February.

The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing of women with men by lottery.

At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I, replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day. This is according to

Whatever the origins or meaning of Valentine’s Day, Love is involved somehow but what kind of love are you celebrating in this valentine?

Usually, Valentine’s Day is characterised by the expression of love through intimacy and sharing of parcels with loved ones. It is all about love.

In Ghana, some time ago, there was a shortage of condoms on Val’s Day or shortly before the day. Valentine’s Day was celebrated as if it was comparable to consensual love. It was also a time when couples or partners visit beaches, pubs, food joints and restaurants, among others, for some good food and music.

The church had to step in to help deal with the rate of sexual activities that went on, on Valentine’s Day.

This year, the dreaded covid-19 pandemic is forcing the public to be measured in their activities by celebrating the day within the confines of their homes.

Social media is also trending with known personalities whose love affair had turned sour, leading to depression in some cases.

This is why I say love is a feeling that can make or break you depending on how you handle it.

One such personality is Benson Nana Yaw Oduro Boateng, known in showbiz as “Funny Face,” a comedian, whose love has gone sour as he had recorded marital failures, with people suspecting he is depressed, judging from the kind of videos he shares about himself on social media.

Usually, in his videos, issues about his relationship that are supposed to be private are discussed in public, inviting unsavoury public opinions in his private matters.

Another known personality whose marriage or love affair has gone sour and trending on social media is Mr Eugene Arhin, Communications Director at the Presidency.

Social media woke up to a divorce suit by the wife of Mr Arhin, Gloria Assan Arhin, who listed his alleged properties and what she was demanding.

In my discussions with a friend about Mr Arhin’s issue, I pointed out that I am not in any position to judge someone’s marital issues, however, I am saddened that an issue within a marriage, previously a love affair, could trend this way on social media.

I keep telling my friends that once you get married to someone, the relationship must be based on trust, and if it does not work, there is no need to share your issues in the public domain.

I used to tell myself years ago, when I was in secondary school, that I would rather walk into love with my brains intact than fall into love.

Valentine’s Day is called the season of love and I will say; ‘Do not get broken by love; be made strong by Love. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with wisdom.’

Source: GNA