Accra, Feb. 13, GNA - The Saint Valentine's Day had been abused by many and it was time people used it to care for one another by participating in community self-help projects, Mr Albert Wilson, Vice President of the Council of United Way Ghana (UWG), said on Monday. Established in 2003, UWG, a non-profit organisation was officially recognised by United Way International (UWI), which came into existence in 1974 with the vision to create a society where the culture of volunteerism was encouraged to assist needy communities.
Mr Wilson was speaking at a press briefing in Accra to introduce the leadership of United Way International (UWI) and United Way of America currently on their first visit to Africa and to cultivate long-term support for the movement in Africa.
He said UWG had set aside the Day as an annual event dubbed "The Day of Caring", where people would volunteer their services for the betterment of society.
Activities for the Day include fun games for children, repairing doors and windows, tree planting, painting rooms and walls, cleaning the hospitals, rendering medical services. It is under the theme: "Inspiring communities through enthusiastic volunteerism."
Mrs Johnnetta B. Cole, Chairman of the Board of Trustees said UWG would implement its activities in seven targeted project locations including Moshie Zongo in Kumasi, Mother Teresa School for Girls in Senya Beraku, HIV/AIDS Orphan in Krobo-Odumase, a project for the blind at the Akropong School for the Blind and another for the Aged at Help Age Ghana at Osu.
Mrs Cole said UWI had member organisations in five countries in Africa namely, South Africa, Mauritius, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and Ghana with a focus on addressing the many social needs in Ghana.
She said the local organisation was fast developing a stronger corporate socially responsible business sector, while providing NGOs in support and give opportunity to address transparency and accountability. Mrs Cole said the organisation had been able to mobilise the caring power of communities and making impact in every community in America and expressed the hope that the Ghanaian society could do same in Ghana.