Video: Chase – Lonely (Dir. By Nana Kofi Asihene)


Sun, 15 Jul 2012 Source: Adeyemi Adebayo Victor

The name Chase will linger in our hearts for a long time with regards to the fact that he remains one of the foremost R&B singers from Ghana.

He has mastered his act so well that he can be compared to other foreign R&B singers all over the world. He has done well for himself breaking through into the Ghana market and we don’t see him relenting; not even after the incident that happened between his close pals in the music industry and him in respect to the ‘betrayal’.

He is waxing stronger each day, doing what he loves doing best. Check out his newest video to his song ‘Lonely’ directed by Nana Kofi Asihene for NKACC and audio produced by Green Gafacci.

Have fun listening. ***

Source: Adeyemi Adebayo Victor