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Fri, 5 May 1995 Source: --

The Statesman wholeheartedly agrees with the sentiments expressed in the Daily Graphic editorial of 20.4.95 titled REVERSE THIS TREND. The Graphic view is one issue that is most vexing because it reveals the most unacceptable and inconsiderate side of social Ghana. That same attitude that allows preachers to board public transport to espouse one thing on the other, to the discomfiture of passengers, or noisy churches in residential areas, claiming that once it is about worship, then mortal man must not complain.

The Daily Graphic's editorial on the blocking of roads for funerals, weddings, and out-doorings has hit the nail right on the head because things are getting out of hand. We are, indeed, informed that these things sometimes have the approval of the city authorities.

The Constitution has been cited by some to support this anti-social behaviour. Some have claimed that they are only exercising their rights to freedom of association and assembly and others have gone further to posit that if others can freely demonstrate on our streets, then they can also block roads to hold weddings, funerals and outdoorings.

The Supreme Court may eventually have to adjudicate on that one, but what we know is that roads are built for vehicular and human traffic and not for static activities like trading, or other sedentary social activities. Traffic is the operative word here and the city authorities and the police must perform their duties and see to it that traffic flows in our cities and towns.

But THE STATESMAN, also believes that citizens must talk to their own consciences and question their actions on how they affect others. Certainly blocking a road to perform one's wedding would be most inconvenient and unfair tot he numerous other users of that facility.

But we must not leave it all to the police and the city authorities. Citizens must help fight such abuses at their own level and where the police may not be aware of a blockage, citizens must report these things to the nearest police station. Anti-social behaviour is anti- social behaviour; there is no other description for it.

Source: --