Addiction is premiering at the Efua Sutherland Drama studio
This performance portrays the deeply entangling lifestyle of our present day generation (especially the youth as well as adults) who find themselves physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally obsessed and uncontrollably dependent on either particular products or substances/ devices or people or become possessively owning of the desire to fit into the ever erratic but trendy way of life, at all possible costs.
Most of these addictions are inherently fueled by a need to belong to/ blend in/ fit in or win a form of acceptance or social endorsement just to stay ‘relevant’ in any societal jurisdiction.
A few others also get trapped in addictions out of their own sheer curiosity or only inquisitively experimenting based on their fear of missing out (not unravelling the unknown).
Some of the physical addictions range from drugs such as tramadol which is destroying the youth of Ghana to alcohol and cigarettes. There is even the pseudo rationalized perception that tramadol for example increases sexual longevity in men hence it's ‘justifiable’ abuse. There are other addictions such as sex, fashion, power, money and social media, all of which have statistically been proven to have become a major contributor of many reported cases of mental health issues.
A greater populace of people are addicted without even realizing it – And the two (2) worst ever obstacles in battling such addictions are ‘ignorance’ and ‘self-denial’. We spend hours and hours hooked on to the internet via our phones/ tablets/ laptops and other devices trying to portray or show off a superficially seeming excellent yet virtual/ unrealistic shade of ourselves, a rather fake depiction of our true lifestyle to all of our peers, just to fit in.
In politics and even our work places, we have people who will do just about anything for the acquisition of power, influence and dominance – even at the peril of another individual, the society itself or the nation as a whole.
"Addiction" seeks to create massive awareness to the endangering effects of all the various little forms of addictions hiding in our homes and society - how they can mess up one’s life and begin to destroy the very rudiments of our core society, adversely affecting the prospects of a promising generation and nation, compromising our hope for a better future.
This breath-taking and artistic illustration of ‘Addiction’ is mainly showcased with dance and poetry as its language, beautifully personifying the unseen ‘love’ and ‘war’ relationship between the addiction and it’s prey, the addict – A relationship so hard to break, yet deeply undesired.
"Addiction" is premiering at the Efua Sutherland Drama studio, University of Ghana.
Date is 15th June at 7.30pm.