Watch your words when endorsing political parties – Kwaku Manu warns celebrities

KWAKU MANU3.png Actor, Kwaku Manu

Tue, 12 Nov 2024 Source:

Ghanaian actor Kwaku Manu has urged his colleagues to exercise caution when endorsing political parties in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

The actor, known for his candid commentary on social issues, has expressed concerns about the potential pitfalls of public endorsements, especially when handled without care.

Speaking directly to his peers, he warned, "Many of you are diving too deeply into politics without considering the bigger picture.”

He continued, “Some of these politicians you support don’t actually care about you, they just want the influence you bring to help them win votes.”

Kwaku Manu emphasised the need for caution in both language and tone.

“You might think you’re supporting your candidate, but if your words stir up the wrong reactions, you could end up hurting their image instead of helping,” he explained.

The actor advised against making overly aggressive or confrontational statements that could damage a party’s image or strain relationships with other political groups.

He pointed out that the political landscape is constantly changing, and alliances can shift unexpectedly.

The ‘Aggressive Talk’ host also urged political parties to take responsibility for managing celebrity endorsements.

“It’s not just up to us to be careful. Political parties need to ensure that celebrity endorsements are managed in a way that benefits them in the long run.”

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