Wife Grabs Husband's Balls ... To Prevent Forceful Sex

Sat, 7 Jan 2012 Source: The Spectator

New Year’s Day, January, 1, 2012, will forever be remembered by a 49-year-old driver in Accra, who residents in their area say, has gained notoriety for beating his wife anytime he is denied sex.

Kwesi Dadze Kimp alias “See Me Do” alias “Terror” this time round, met his waterloo, when his wife (name withheld) grabbed and pulled his male organ, together with the testis, when he forcibly wanted to have sex with her at dawn on the said day.

It took the intervention of some people who had closed from watch night service to save him from the claws of death, when they heard a male voice shouting for help.

A family source told The Spectator that co-tenants refused to go to Kwesi Dadze’s rescue, because he had been worrying eh woman unduly. “When the table turned this time in favour of the wife, all of us (co-tenants) refused to go to his rescue; we were with the woman in spirit, to teach him a lesson,” the source said.

According to the source, what triggered the incident was the refusal of the driver to provide clothing for their three children, aged between two and seven years, to celebrate Christmas.

The victim had stopped his wife from her petty trading, two years ago. The source said not even the constant reminder from the wife to the husband to save towards occasions such as Christmas as many responsible husbands do would make Dadze to budge.

The wife therefore, tried to restrain him when he forcefully tried to have se with her after subjecting her to severe beating.

At the time of filling this report, the victim was nursing his bruises while family members were conferring to find an amicable solution to this marital problem.

Source: The Spectator