You can wear anything if your boobs are small – Vanessa Gyan

Vanessa Gyan Black Vanessa Gyan

Fri, 22 Jul 2016 Source:

For many women, femininity is defined by having large breasts but having small boobs can be great as well says radio and television presenter Vanessa Gyna.

According to her, you can wear anything once your boobs are small.

Gyan revealed in a chat with Sammy Forson, host of Live FM’s Drive Time show Route919.

“The thing about small boobs is that, if you have them, you can wear anything.”

Vanessa Gyan joined Accra’s Favourite youth brand, Live FM months ago. She dishes the latest in entertainment news, which she calls ‘The Juice’ where she tells you, all you need to know about your favourite celebrities in Ghana and across the world.

Join her on mid-morning show Lifestyle Cafe hosted by Antoine Mensah at 11am and on Drive time Show, Route919 hosted by Sammy Forson at 5pm.

She covered the 2016 Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards with Jay Foley, interacting with Fantasia, Angie Martinez, Karrueche, Akon, Busta Ryhmes, South African rapper AKA and other notable figures.
