You could be jailed for making excessive noise during sex – Maurice Ampaw

Maurice Ampaw Appiah Stadium 1 Maurice Ampaw

Fri, 5 Apr 2019 Source:

Private legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw has revealed that making excessive noise during sex is criminal and culprits could be jailed or convicted to a fine or both if they are hauled before the law courts.

He disclosed on Accra-based Peace Fm that though couple or lover are expected to moan and groan in ecstasy during lovemaking, they will be flouting laws and violating the rights of their neighbours if they do so excessively.

“Shouting during sex constitutes a nuisance. You are free to make noise within the acceptable limits during lovemaking but when you do it is excessively, you could be thrown to jail or convicted to a fine if your neighbor feels his or her rights are being trampled upon”.

Continuing his argument he said “You are trampling on the rights of others most especially your neighbours. It happened in Britain before. You could be fined or convicted for sexual nuisance. Excessive moaning and groaning during sex is criminal and a violation of somebody’s rights”

It would be recalled in the UK that a woman was slapped a fine for having noisy sex which is in beach of the law.

Sunderland magistrates subsequently made Caroline Cartwright sign a bond of good behavior to stop her ‘making excessive noise’ while having sex with husband Steve.
