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Young couples mentored at ‘exclusive couple’s weekend getaway'

IMG 3790 Rev. Dr. Ernest Birikorang

Tue, 4 Dec 2018 Source: Ramson Acquah-Hayford

Young couples who are either in courtship or already married have been guided on how to start and manage a matrimonial home at the just ended ‘Exclusive Couple’s weekend getaway’ which came off at the E-Mej Hotel, Weija, Kasoa on Sunday.

Rev Dr John B Ghartey, a marriage counselor adminished attendants to make Christ the center of their relationship.

He stated that “A lot of factors come into play when choosing a lifetime partner; looks, finances, and other things, but the most important thing to consider is Christ, because he is the foundation on which strong marriages are built.”

The event also witnessed the official launch of the Influence Leadership Network, a non-profit christian outreach organization.

A regional superintendent of the Greater Accra West wing of the Assemblies of God Church Ghana, Rev Dr. Ernest Birikorang was a Keynote speaker at the event.

He challenged government officials to be resolute and focused on the delivery of their responsibilities, promises and be mindful of why they were put in power.

According to the minister, though it is general knowledge that we have leadership issues in Africa, it is about time people put in power espoused the true essence of leadership.

He stated that “a lot of our leaders set out to do something and due to some challenges that present itself along the way, they leave it undone”

“But if God brings you up to start something new, you should be able to brace the odds and blaze the trail for others to follow.”

He then encouraged national leaders to be resilient, keep the vision in line and work for the betterment of the Ghanaian citizen.

Founder and president of ILN, Pastor Samuel Akwesi Aboagye, in an interview stated that “The purpose of bringing up ILN is to empower the new generation of leaders, build leaders and provide consultational services to churches and organisations.”

He added that ILN is an outreach ministry that seeks to empower the church and organisations to pursue excellence in the knowledge and skills needed to carry out God’s mission.

Speaking on how to promote good leadership among the youth, he mentioned that “With the emerging leaders there is the need to move from the traditional approach and guide them with new and pragmatic models and I think good mentorship is one of the ways to go.”

He concluded that guiding these leaders with a set of religious codes and biblical principles will also help build up on the quality of leadership exhibited in the country.

There were song ministrations by Minister Samuel Ackwerh, Minister Noah and others.

Source: Ramson Acquah-Hayford